2022 February Special Bonus - Thirst for Knowledge / 2022年2月份特別獎勵圖 - 求學若渴

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When faced with indescribable phenomenon, some consider them magic, even miracles. Others, maybe in some other place, from some other time, simply call them science and logic. To change mystery into knowledge, sometimes some abnormal attitude might be needed.

"Must be sooo nice to have so many servants, right~? No matter what experiment you do on them, they won't even flinch a bit...♥" "Oh my. It would be my pleasure to lend you one of my apprentice. After all, it's rare to get to know another fellow researcher...Hehe♥"


世人感到不可思議,稱之為「魔法」甚至於「奇蹟」的現象, 在不同的地方、經過不同的時間,說不定就會變為有頭有理的「科學」與「邏輯」。 為了將未知化為已知,有時候犧牲一些常理或許是值得的。

「有這麼多傭人可以使喚還真好呢~不管在他們身上做什麼實驗,連眉頭都不會皺一下……♥」 「哎呀,如果妳這麼中意的話,我可以借妳一個徒弟回去喔?畢竟難得遇到了這麼興趣相投的人嘛……呵呵♥」

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2022 February Special Bonus - Thirst for Knowledge / 2022年2月份特別獎勵圖 - 求學若渴

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